Lawyer in Singapore, Ramesh Bharani Nagaratnam

Assisted by lawyers qualified both in Singapore and other jurisdictions, the firm is helmed by Ramesh Bharani Nagaratnam.


  • holds dual qualifications in the law and accounting and finance disciplines.
  • is a senior member of the Singapore bar with over 19 years’ experience in arbitration and litigation.
  • with his rich and diverse experience, understands disputes and handles them with finesse and precision.
  • has engaged in various high stakes disputes representing both corporations and individuals in arbitration and litigation.
  • has represented clients in commercial disputes in arbitrations administered by esteemed bodies such as the SIAC, LCIA, DIAC, HKIAC, AAA and ICC. Moreover, he has demonstrated proficiency in handling ad hoc administered arbitration.
  • is empanelled as an arbitrator with the Thai Arbitration Centre and the Beihei Asia International Arbitration Centre. He is also empanelled as a reserve arbitrator with the SIAC. Recognized for his expertise, Ramesh holds the esteemed title of Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb).

Some of Ramesh’s notable cases include

  • successfully defending a listed company in India in an arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) in New York;
  • successfully represented an Australian company in an SIAC administered arbitration involving dispute over a joint venture agreement with an Indonesia conglomerate for the mining of oil and gas in Indonesia;
  • successfully represented a company based in the UK in an LCIA administered arbitration involving an energy dispute pursuant to a contract governed by English laws for the supply of oil and gas; and
  • successfully represented a Philippines bank in an ad hoc administered arbitration seated in Singapore.
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More than
Legal Advice


  1. Expertise – a multi-disciplinary law firm with lawyers qualified and trained in various jurisdictions. Experienced in handling handled complex high stake disputes in a diverse range of industries including the energy, oil and gas, construction and pharmaceutical industries for clients in Asia and the Middle East. The teams has also engaged in sports arbitration and emerging industries such as crypto currency.
  2. Industry Knowledge – Equipped with the developments and trends in the various focus industries and broadly in arbitration and litigations.
  3. Commercially Sound Solutions – Provide commercially practical solutions to clients by understanding the dispute, the evidence and clients’ objectives.
  4. Technology and Innovation – Fully digitised law practice. Technology and legal analytics are used to streamline processes and assist clients efficiently. One of the pioneer law firms in Singapore to receive the ‘SMARTLAW’ accreditation by the Singapore Law Society for the adoption of technology in our law practice.